Friday, February 5, 2016

Clay Explore Time

Clay explore time is an important part of art class for all of the elementary grades.
Every year each grade level learns a new skill in constructing and creating clay art.  Clay can be tricky. If the artist doesn't understand or have enough experience with how clay works, the art work might not survive the drying and firing process.

So in addition to making projects where they learn new clay skills, they also get time to just explore and make whatever they want.  But the drawback is that they don't get to keep their art work.  I explain that this is a time to just practice and not worry about rules or having to get it right.  Artists need time to play and learn new things without worrying about the final product.  
During clay explore time many of the students work collaboratively with their classmates. It becomes a fun time with their friends while they are learning in art class.  Often they create scenes with interesting stories and characters.  

The students aren't just working on fine motor skills, they are also learning to work as a community sharing the space, the materials, and creating together.  

4th Graders donate their artwork to the GEMS senior luncheon.

The Georgia 4th graders made ornaments to donate as presents to the seniors at the GEMS Holiday Senior luncheon last December.

The students learned about radial design and looked at Wilson Bentley's photographs of snowflakes to inspire their ornaments.  They had fun using metallic and glitter paints to finish them.