Thursday, May 28, 2015

Kindergarten Made Paper Pulp Bowls
The kindergarten used only shredded office paper to make their own bowls.

First, they blended the shredded paper.

Second, they pressed the water out of the pulp using a screen and a large bin.

Third, they pressed the pulp into plastic bowls.

After the bowls dried, we painted white school glue onto the bowls to seal them and make them stronger.

Finally, the kindergartners painted their bowls bright colors and beautiful patterns!




Tuesday, May 12, 2015

GEMS Art Night 2015!

On April 11th, the Georgia Elementary and Middle school celebrated the accomplishments our students have made in art class this year.  The school wide art show featured art work from all students in kindergarten through 6th grade and students from the 7th and 8th grade choice art classes.  The entire middle school gym was filled with inspiring and creative work. 

The art show ended with a community art night where students and community members shared and created art together.  We are very fortunate to have such talented artists and craftspeople in our local community!

Wood Working

Watercolor Painting

IPad Art

Screen Printing


Bubble Art

Rangoli Designs

Book Making


Needle Felting

Clay Play

Tissue Paper Flowers

Origami, Digital Art, Drawing, and Phantom of the Opera!

We give a big thanks to all our parent volunteers!  We could not have such a vibrant arts community without our volunteers!

Friday, March 6, 2015

Learning About Camouflage and the Art of Liu Bolin
The first grade classes studied animals in winter in their classrooms. They learned that animals can survive in the wild by camouflaging with their environments
We looked at artwork by Chinese artist Liu Bolin where he blends in with his surroundings.
We talked about how color, pattern, and texture all work together to help animals, or artists, blend in.

Can you find Liu Bolin in these photographs?

Beijing Magazine Rack  Liu Bolin 

Hiding in the City- Sunflower Liu Bolin

Fork Lifts  Liu Bolin 

The First graders camouflaged themselves into their own paintings.

1 Matas

1 Nye

1 MacKenzie

1 Dattilio