Thursday, March 21, 2019

Second grade welcomes spring with beautiful flower paintings!

This past fall the second grade studied flowers and pollination in STEM class.  In art class we learned how botanical illustrators do scientific drawings of flowers to learn more about them. We looked at examples of drawings by Vermont artist Bobbi Angell and practiced our own detailed drawings of flowers.

Illustration by Bobbi Angell

This winter, we learned how Georgia O'Keeffe looked at flowers in her paintings.  She made her paintings big so that people would have to slow down and see the beauty that she saw in them.

The White Flower, 1932 by Georgia O'Keeffe

"I found that I could say things with colors and shapes that I couldn't say any other way- things I had no words for."  Georgia O'Keeffe 

The second graders were challenged to draw their flowers big so that the petals reached the edges of the paper.  We carefully observed the differences and similarities of each flower.

The students finished their flowers with their own colorful interpretations!

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